General update

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It's been some time since my last blog post because I've been really busy.

First off, I'd like to "announce"? that I got into the University of California, Santa Cruz for my exchange semester in the US. This means I'll spend the Fall 2017 quarter there, from September 23rd to December 15th of this year. It'll be awesome. I still have to do lots of things relevant to this (mostly regarding visa/money things, but also buying flight tickets and planning my course load and planning trips).

Regarding Japanese, I've kept at it. I'm at about 900 words and 450 kanji meanings known now. I started playing through Pok&eacut;mon Green (which was only released in Japan, actually) in Japanese so I can practice a little bit - they only use Hiragana and Katakana and the kanji for Yen, so I won't be too confused by kanji and kanji compounds. I still have to look up pretty much every word, but I did come across a sentence that I understood completely (because I had already looked up the words previously - hahaha!). I am also searching for grammar resources because I have the feeling Tae Kim's Guide won't be enough. My friend Elli has a tiny PONS reference book for grammar which (from my limited experience with it) is really amazing, but unfortunately it's only available from German to Japanese, and not from English.

The Calgary Flames baseball cap I ordered on Amazon never arrived. :( I ordered it back when the Flames got in the playoffs and it just never got here. Hopefully I can get one before next season starts.

Regarding music, I've listened to a few more Metallica and Alice in Chains albums. AiC is simply amazing. I love Man In The Box and Love, Hate, Love. From Metallica I really liked The Thing That Should Not Be and Master Of Puppets.

Last thing: I made two new gym buddies! Go me. I think they're the first "proper" gym buddies I've made here. So that is awesome.

I'll be back to update my website soon enough (I need to add an exchange semester page to my projects!), but for now this is it from me. I need to go back to studying Japanese right now, hahaha.